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मकर संक्रांति के समय के त्योहार Makar Sankranti timed festivals January 13-16, 2025 -Rohit Kumar Parmar


मकर संक्रांति के समय के त्योहार

Makar Sankranti timed festivals

January 13-16, 2025


-Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]


List of Sankranti related/ timed festivals

Sankrant is the transit of Sun from one Rashi (constellation of zodiac) to the next. Makar Sankranti is Sun’s transit from the zodiac sign Dhanu (Sagittarius) to Makara (Capricon).


In most states/ regions of India, and in South and South-East Asia, Sankranti is celebrated for two to four days. These festivals fall on the same date every year (January 13/ 14). On each day, there are festivities with different names, associated rituals and celebrations.


These are harvest related festivals, dedicated to Surya Dev (Sun God) on whom the entire vegetation on earth is dependant. The festivals are a traditional welcome of longer/ warmer days and the Sun's journey to the northern hemisphere. [2]  


Names of Sankranti related/ timed festivals and associated states


Name of Celebration

State/Region and Countries  #


January 13, 2025

Bhogi/ Pandigai

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana


Lal Loi

Parts of India where the Sindhi Community resides,

Sindh province of Pakistan



States of erstwhile Punjab (Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab), the land of five rivers, Jammu region, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh; and in parts of Pakistan (especially Punjab province).


Uruka of Magh Bihu $



January 14, 2025

Makar/ Sankranti

All over Indian especially, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal


Dahi Chura






Khichidi Sankranti

Uttar Pradesh


Magh Bihu/ Bhogali Bihu/ Tusu Maghar Domahi $



Maghi Saaji/ Magha Ra Saza

Himachal Pradesh


Maghi Parva/ Maghi Sankranti




Maghi Sangrand/ Uttarain/  Uttarayana

Haryana, Jammu region (Jammu and Kashmir), Punjab, Uttarkhand


Makar Sankraman



Makara Vilakku



Pedda Panduga

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana


Poush Sankranti/ Mokor Sonkranti

West Bengal


Sakrat/ Sakraat/ Sukarat

Central India, Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan,



Andhra Pradesh, Telangana


Shishur Senkrath

Jammu  and Kashmir





Thai Pongal or Uzhavar Thirunal

Tamil Nadu, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry; and in Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka


Til Sakraat

Mithila Region


Uttarayana (Uttarain)

Gujarat, Jammu region (Jammu and Kashmir), Uttar Pradesh





January 15, 2025

Kanuma Panduga

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana


Mattu (Bull) Pongal (Jallikattu or Manji Virattu is also observed on this day)

Tamil Nadu, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry; and in Malaysia, Singapore


January 16, 2025

Kaanum Pongal (is also observed as Thiruvalluvar Day)

Tamil Nadu, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry



Andhra Pradesh, Telangana


1. Compiled by the Author

2. # The festivals are also celebrated in adjoining/ other states/ regions.

3. $ Dates as per the Assam government 


[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service, Senior Economic Adviser (Retired), Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts

been writing/ sharing varied topics and

can be reached at

[2] The earth revolves around the Sun, which is static compared to Earth. However, due to the axial tilt of the earth, during the six months commencing December 21 or 22, the Sun/ shine becomes stronger in the northern hemisphere, so the metaphor that Sun moves to the northern hemisphere.


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