Chaitra Navratri
Rohit Kumar Parmar
Chaitra Navaratri is from April 13 to 21, 2021. Chaitra Navaratri falls on the first day of Chaitra month heralding the New Year. While Shardiya Navratri ends with Dussehra, Chaitra Navratri ends with Ram Navami. In many regions the festival falls after the spring harvest, and in others during the harvest. In 2021, the Lunar New Year and Solar New Year dates have coincided and several of the Indian festivals are falling on April 13/14, 2021.
Nine forms of Maa Durga are worshiped for nine days.
13 April - Maa Shailputri
14 April - Maa Brahmacharini
15 April - Maa Chandraghanta
16 April - Maa Kushmanda
17 April - Maa Skandamata
18 April - Maa Katyayani
19 April - Maa Kaalaratri
20 April - Maa Mahagauri
21 April - Siddhidatri
Navratri puja is for maa Durga and respect for women, and is celebrated four times in a year. Apart from Chaitra and Shardiya Navaratri, there are Magh and Ashadh Navaratri. The latter two Navratris are observed regionally or by individuals