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Eighth Day of Chaitra Navratri (16.04.2024) dedicated to Maa MahaGauri -Rohit Kumar Parmar


Maa MahaGauri


Eighth Day of Chaitra Navratri (16.04.2024)

dedicated to Maa MahaGauri


-Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]


या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ महागौरी रूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥


The eighth day of Chaitra Navratri is dedicated to माँ महागौरी (Maa MahaGauri). On the eighth day, devotees worship Maa MahaGauri, a form of Goddess Durga and an avatar [2] of Devi Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva. Maa MahaGauri is calm and compassionate, symbolizes intelligence and peace. She is depicted wearing white clothes and mounted on a bull. [3] Devotees who worship MahaGauri, get relief from all sufferings in life.


It is believed that when Maa Kalaratri took a bath in river Ganga, she became extremely fair, and rid her dark complexion.


Maa MahaGauri has four hands, her upper right hand is in अभय मुद्रा (Abhaya Mudra, Blessing posture), while lower right hand holds a त्रिशूल (trishul, trident). In her upper left hand, she holds a डमरू (damaru, tambourine) and the lower left hand is in वरदमुद्रा (Varadamudra, yoga/prayer posture).


Both Maa MahaGauri and Shailputri are depicted riding a bull and because of which, Maa MahaGauri is also known as Vrisharudha (वृषारूढ़ा).


Since Maa MahaGauri adorns only white clothes, she is also known as Shwetambardhara (श्वेताम्बरधरा).


It is believed that the planet Rahu is governed by Goddess MahaGauri.


In several states of north India, Kanjak (कंजक), Kanya or Kumari puja is an important part of Navaratri/ Navratra, and is celebrated on the eighth day or ninth day, of the Navaratri festival.

Kanjak is recognition of feminine power in the girl child. The rituals involve worshipping nine pre-puberty girls, symbolic of nine forms of Goddess Durga, washing their feet as a mark of respect to the Goddess, feeding them, and gifting new clothes.


माँ महागौरी की आरती/Maa MahaGauri Ki Aarti


जय महागौरी जगत की माया। 

जय उमा भवानी जय महामाया॥


हरिद्वार कनखल के पासा। 

महागौरी तेरा वहा निवास॥


चन्द्रकली और ममता अम्बे। 

जय शक्ति जय जय माँ जगदम्बे॥


भीमा देवी विमला माता। 

कौशिक देवी जग विख्यता॥


हिमाचल के घर गौरी रूप तेरा। 

महाकाली दुर्गा है स्वरूप तेरा॥


सती (सत) हवन कुंड में था जलाया। 

उसी धुएं ने रूप काली बनाया॥


बना धर्म सिंह जो सवारी में आया। 

तो शंकर ने त्रिशूल अपना दिखाया॥


तभी माँ ने महागौरी नाम पाया। 

शरण आनेवाले का संकट मिटाया॥


शनिवार को तेरी पूजा जो करता। माँ

 बिगड़ा हुआ काम उसका सुधरता॥


भक्त बोलो तो सोच तुम क्या रहे हो। 

महागौरी माँ तेरी हरदम ही जय हो॥


प्रार्थना Prarthana


श्वेते वृषेसमारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः।

महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा॥

[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service (Retired), former Senior Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts

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[2] There is use of the word form or avatar, which depict the same Goddess, could be in a subsequent birth or a regional adaptation.

[3] In different legends, she is mounted on a lion or tiger.


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