Maa Kushmanda
Fourth day of Shardiya/ Ashwin Navratri dedicated to
Maa Kushmanda
-Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कूष्माण्डा रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
The fourth day of Chaitra Navratri is devoted to Maa Kushmanda, the fourth form of Durga, known as the creator. कुष्मांडा (Kushmanda) is a combination of कु (Ku, a little), ऊष्मा (Ushma, heat/ warmth) and अंडा (Anda, cosmic egg). Goddess Parvati in the form of सिद्धिदात्री (Siddhidatri), began living inside the centre of the Sun, and started radiating a distinct energy to the universe. Maa Kushmanda is stated to be the source of Sun’s (solar) energy and so life.
माँ कुष्मांडा (Maa Kushmanda) is seated on a शेरनी (lioness) and has eight hands and is called अष्टभुजा देवी (Ashtabhuja Devi). On her right hands, Maa Kushmanda holds a कमंडल (Kamandal, a traditional special water vessel, made from dry gourd), धनुष (Dhanush, Bow), तीर (Teer, Arrow), and कमल का फूल (kamal ka phool, Lotus flower).
On her left hands is an अमृत कलश (Amrit Kalash, an earthen pot having nectar of life), जप माला (Japa Mala, a garland of beads which aids chanting of mantras/ prayers), गदा (Gada, Mace), and चक्र (Chakra, spinning wheel used as a weapon).
Aarti of Goddess Kushmanda
देवी कुष्मांडा की आरती:
कूष्माण्डा जय जग सुखदानी।
मुझ पर दया करो महारानी॥
पिङ्गला ज्वालामुखी निराली।
शाकम्बरी माँ भोली भाली॥
लाखों नाम निराले तेरे।
भक्त कई मतवाले तेरे॥
भीमा पर्वत पर है डेरा।
स्वीकारो प्रणाम ये मेरा॥
सबकी सुनती हो जगदम्बे।
सुख पहुँचती हो माँ अम्बे॥
तेरे दर्शन का मैं प्यासा।
पूर्ण कर दो मेरी आशा॥
माँ के मन में ममता भारी।
क्यों ना सुनेगी अरज हमारी॥
तेरे दर पर किया है डेरा।
दूर करो माँ संकट मेरा॥
मेरे कारज पूरे कर दो।
मेरे तुम भंडारे भर दो॥
तेरा दास तुझे ही ध्याए।
भक्त तेरे दर शीश झुकाए॥
Om Kushmandayai Namah: Dhyan Mantra
ॐ कूष्माण्डायै नम: ध्यान मंत्र –
वन्दे वांछित कामर्थे चन्द्रार्घकृत शेखराम्।
सिंहरूढ़ा अष्टभुजा कूष्माण्डा यशस्वनीम्॥
Prarthana प्रार्थना
सुरासम्पूर्ण कलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥
(A pitcher full of wine and drenched in blood,
May Kushmanda holding me with her lotus hands bestow auspiciousness upon me.)
[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service, Senior Economic Adviser (Retired), Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts
on his website (https://rohitkparmar.wixsite.com/site),
YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/@rohitkparmar),
X (formerly twitter) (https://twitter.com/rohitkparmar?s=09),
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/rohit.parmar.5268750/),
been writing/ sharing varied topics and
can be reached at rohitkparmar@yahoo.com.