Maa Skandamata
Fifth Day of Chaitra Navratri (13.04.2024)
dedicated to Maa Skandamata
-Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ स्कंदमाता रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:
Fifth day of Navratri is devoted to माँ स्कंदमाता (Maa Skandamata), mother of Skanda (Kartikeya or Murugan). The blue background in her picture is symbolic of the strength of a mother to protect her child, when he is confronted with danger.
Maa Skandamata is the mother of Skanda, the brother of Lord Ganesha, and is depicted riding a ferocious lion (शेर) holding her baby in her lap. Maa Skandamata has four hands, with कमल का फूल (kamal ka phool, Lotus flower) in her upper two hands. She holds her baby in the lower right hand and keeps the lower left hand in अभय मुद्रा (Abhaya Mudra, Blessing posture). She is also seated on a lotus flower and is also known as Goddess Padmasana.
It is believed that Maa Skandamata blesses her devotees with power, prosperity, salvation, and treasures. She can grant oceans of wisdom even to the most illiterate person, if he worships her. Maa Skandamata who possesses the brilliance of सूर्य (Sun) fulfils all desires of her devotees. The worship of Maa Skandamata also purifies the heart of a devotee.
While worshiping Maa Skandamata, the devotee should have absolute control over his senses and mind. He should free himself from worldly bondage and worship her with a single point devotion. A devotee worshiping her, worships both Maa Skandamata and Lord Skanda, since Lord Skanda is in her lap, and is twice blessed.
The devotees who worship Maa Skandamata, shine with divine splendour. She is also known as `The Goddess of Fire’.
Skandamata Ki Aarti
॥ आरती स्कन्दमाता जी की ॥
जय तेरी हो स्कन्द माता।
पांचवां नाम तुम्हारा आता॥
सबके मन की जानन हारी।
जग जननी सबकी महतारी॥
तेरी जोत जलाता रहूं मैं।
हरदम तुझे ध्याता रहूं मै॥
कई नामों से तुझे पुकारा।
मुझे एक है तेरा सहारा॥
कही पहाड़ों पर है डेरा।
कई शहरों में तेरा बसेरा॥
हर मन्दिर में तेरे नजारे।
गुण गाए तेरे भक्त प्यारे॥
भक्ति अपनी मुझे दिला दो।
शक्ति मेरी बिगड़ी बना दो॥
इन्द्र आदि देवता मिल सारे।
करे पुकार तुम्हारे द्वारे॥
दुष्ट दैत्य जब चढ़ कर आए।
तू ही खण्ड हाथ उठाए॥
दासों को सदा बचाने आयी।
भक्त की आस पुजाने आयी॥
स्कंदमाता की प्रार्थना
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माञ्चित करद्वया।
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी॥
[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service (Retired), former Senior Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts
on his website (https://rohitkparmar.wixsite.com/site),
YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/@rohitkparmar),
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Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/rohit.parmar.5268750/),
been writing/sharing varied topics and
can be reached at rohitkparmar@yahoo.com.