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Ninth Day of Chaitra Navratri (17.04.2024)dedicated to Maa Siddhidatri -Rohit Kumar Parmar

Maa Siddhidatri


Ninth Day of Chaitra Navratri (17.04.2024)

dedicated to Maa Siddhidatri


-Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]


या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥


The ninth day of Chaitra Navratri is dedicated to माँ सिद्धिदात्री (Maa Siddhidatri). The Ninth day of Chaitra Navratri is also celebrated as Ramnavami.


In several states of north India, Kanjak (कंजक), Kanya or Kumari puja is an important part of Navaratri/ Navratra, and is celebrated on the eighth day or ninth day, of the Navaratri festival.


Kanjak is recognition of feminine power in the girl child. The rituals involve worshipping nine pre-puberty girls, symbolic of nine forms of Goddess Durga, washing their feet as a mark of respect to the Goddess, feeding them, and gifting new clothes.


Washing the feet of Kanjak


Maa Siddhidatri is seated on a कमल (kamal) and rides a lion. She is depicted with four hands. For defence/attack, she has a गदा (Gada, Mace), in one of her right hand, and a चक्र (Chakra, spinning wheel used as a weapon) in the other right hand. A कमल का फूल (kamal ka phool, Lotus flower) in one left hand and a  शंख (shankh, conch) in the other left hand.


Maa Siddhidatri possesses and bestows all सिद्धि (Siddhis, accomplishments) to her devotees. Even Lord Shiva got all his Siddhis by the grace of Maa Siddhidatri. She is worshipped by humans and also by Devas, Gandharva, Asura, Yaksha and Siddha. Lord Shiva got the title of अर्ध-नारीश्वर (Ardha-Narishwar) when Maa Siddhidatri appeared from/as his left half.


Maa Siddhidatri, is Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva, and is also known as Mahalakshmi.


It is believed that Goddess Siddhidatri provides direction and energy to Ketu, which is governed by her.


माँ सिद्धिदात्री की आरती/Maa Siddhidatri Ki Aarti


जय सिद्धिदात्री माँ तू सिद्धि की दाता।

तु भक्तों की रक्षक तू दासों की माता॥


तेरा नाम लेते ही मिलती है सिद्धि।

तेरे नाम से मन की होती है शुद्धि॥


कठिन काम सिद्ध करती हो तुम।

जभी हाथ सेवक के सिर धरती हो तुम॥


तेरी पूजा में तो ना कोई विधि है।

तू जगदम्बें दाती तू सर्व सिद्धि है॥


रविवार को तेरा सुमिरन करे जो।

तेरी मूर्ति को ही मन में धरे जो॥


तू सब काज उसके करती है पूरे।

कभी काम उसके रहे ना अधूरे॥


तुम्हारी दया और तुम्हारी यह माया।

रखे जिसके सिर पर मैया अपनी छाया॥


सर्व सिद्धि दाती वह है भाग्यशाली।

जो है तेरे दर का ही अम्बें सवाली॥


हिमाचल है पर्वत जहां वास तेरा।

महा नंदा मंदिर में है वास तेरा॥


मुझे आसरा है तुम्हारा ही माता।

भक्ति है सवाली तू जिसकी दाता॥


प्रार्थना Prarthana


सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।

सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥


[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service (Retired), former Senior Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts

been writing/sharing varied topics and

can be reached at

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