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Panchami (Fifth) Shardiya/ Ashwin Navratri 2021 Maa Skandamātā-Rohit Kumar Parmar


Panchami (Fifth) Shardiya/ Ashwin Navratri 2021 Maa Skandamātā

-Rohit Kumar Parmar

Maa Skandamātā worshiped on Panchami (Fifth) Navratri, is the mother of Skanda (Kartikeya or Murugan), the brother of Lord Ganesha. She is depicted riding a ferocious lion holding her baby in her lap. Maa Skandamātā is depicted with four hands carrying lotus flowers in her upper two hands. She holds her baby in one of her right hand and keeps the other hand in Abhaya Mudra (blessing posture). She sits on a lotus flower and so is also known as Goddess Padmasana.

It is believed that she blesses devotees with salvation, power, prosperity, and treasures. She can grant oceans of wisdom even to most illiterate people, if he happens to worship her. Maa Skandamātā who possesses the brilliance of the sun fulfils all desires of her devotees. The worship of Maa Skandamātā purifies the heart of a devotee. While worshiping her, the devotee should have absolute control over his senses and mind. He should free himself from worldly bondage and worship her with a single point devotion. Her worship is twice blessed, since Lord Skanda, her son in her lap, is automatically worshipped. The devotee happens to enjoy the grace of Maa Skandamātā along with the grace of Lord Skanda. If a devotee worships her devoid of selfishness, Maa Skandamātā blesses them with power and prosperity. The devotees who worship Maa Skandamātā, shine with divine splendour. Her worship is ultimately conducive to salvation. She is regularly known as "The Goddess of Fire".

Jai Maa Skandamata Ki Aarti

जय तेरी हो अस्कंध माता

पांचवा नाम तुम्हारा आता

सब के मन की जानन हारी

जग जननी सब की महतारी

तेरी ज्योत जलाता रहू मै

हरदम तुम्हे ध्याता रहू मै

कई नामो से तुझे पुकारा

मुझे एक है तेरा सहारा

कही पहाड़ो पर है डेरा

कई शेहरो मै तेरा बसेरा

हर मंदिर मै तेरे नजारे

गुण गाये तेरे भगत प्यारे

भगति अपनी मुझे दिला दो

शक्ति मेरी बिगड़ी बना दो

इन्दर आदी देवता मिल सारे

करे पुकार तुम्हारे द्वारे

दुष्ट दत्य जब चढ़ कर आये

तुम ही खंडा हाथ उठाये

दासो को सदा बचाने आई

'चमन' की आस पुजाने आई



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