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Shashti/Sixth day of Shardiya/Ashwin Navratri dedicated to Maa Katyayani - Rohit Kumar Parmar


Maa Katyayani

Shashti/Sixth day of Shardiya/Ashwin Navratri dedicated to

Maa Katyayani


- Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]

स्तुति (Stuti)

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता।

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

षष्ठी (Shasti), the sixth day of Shardiya/Ashwin Navratri is dedicated to माँ कात्यायनी (Maa Katyayani), a form [2] of Parvati, MahaLakshmi, MahaSaraswati. Maa Katyayani an अवतार (avatar, incarnation) of Durga, exhibits courage and is considered one of the most violent forms of Durga. Maa Katyayani is the daughter of कात्यायन (Katyayana), a Sanskrit grammarian, mathematician and vedic priest.

Maa Katyayani’s complexion is bright and phosphorous, like gold. In this avataar, Maa Katyayani rides a lion and has four hands with a कमल का फूल (kamal ka phool, Lotus flower) and a तलवार (Talvaar, Sword) in her left hands and a स्वस्तिक (Swastika) and अभय मुद्रा (Abhaya Mudra, Blessing posture) in her right hand. Swastika, means `good fortune’ or `well-being’. It is represented by a symbol of a cross with equal-arms intersecting at right angles, and each arm further bending at a 90 degree angle, to the right. Swastika is different from the emblem used in Germany in the 1930s.

Shasti has elaborate prayers and celebrations as part of Durga Puja. On षष्ठी (Shasti, the sixth day), Maa Durga is invoked into a Kalash (pitcher) with vedic rituals and chanting of Mantras, which is known as Ghata-sthapana or Kalash-sthapana. Maa Durga and Maa Katyayani are worshiped.

Starting with Shasti Pujo (Durga Puja) there is increase in activity in the celebrations, with prayers and feeding the poor during the day, in themed Pandals, entry to which is without any charge/forced donation. In the evening, there is आरती (aarti) and धनुची नृत्य (Dhunuchi dance), with devotees visiting several Pandals in the neighbourhood and prominent one’s in the city/town, a practice popularly known as pandal hopping. The Pandals are a hub of cultural activity also, with modern and folk dances, plays, from leading troups, and by beginners.

Indian festivals are not complete without tasty foods especially sweets. The themed Pandals have food stalls serving a range of traditional to modern cuisines. Popular vegetarian traditional cusines are for Breakfast include ফুলকো/মরিচ লুচি (Phulko/Morich Luchi, deep fried puri, rich with black pepper); হিং মরিচার আলু চোছোরি (Hing Moricher Alu Chochori); কোরাইশুতির কচুরি (Koraishutir Kochuri) & আলোর দম (Alur Dom); লুচি ও হিং দেওয়া/আলুর তোরকারি (Luchi & Hing Deoa/Alur Torkari).

The range for Lunch/Dinner comprises of রাধবল্লভী (Radhaballavi, soft/tasty puris made from maida and stuffed with a spiced urad dal) with ছোলার ডাল (Cholar Daal, chickpea pulse curry), আলোর দম (Alur Dom, steamed potato curry); আলোর পোস্ট (Aloo Posto, potato poppy seeds curry); তিকোনা পরাঠা (Tekona Porota, triangular parantha) with আলু-কুমরর চেঁচকি (Alu-Kumror Chenchki, Potato Pumkin Mashed dish) and বেগুনভাজা (Begun Bhaja, deep fried brinjal); চান্নার পায়েশ (Channar Payesh, Paneer dumplings dunked in creamy milk).

Celebrations of Bathukamma [3] on the seventh day (Vepakayala Bathukamma) fall on Ashwayuja Shashti (sixth day of Ashwin maasam). Food offered for Naivedyam (Prasadam) is Rice flour shaped as fruits of neem tree and deep-fried.

By worshiping Maa Katyayani, devotees attain Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha and also get freedom from disease and all sufferings. According to Devi Bhagwat Purana, by worshiping Maa Katyayani, the body becomes radiant and makes domestic life peaceful and happy. For the believer of impact of astrology on an individual’s life, worshiping Maa Katyayani removes problems related to Rahu and Kaal Sarp Dosh.

To get Lord Krishna, the gopis of Vraj [4] worshiped Maa Katyayani on the banks of river Kalindi (Yamuna) and she is revered as the presiding deity of Braj Mandal.

मां कात्यायनी की आरती/Maa Katyayani Ki Aarti

जय जय अम्बे जय कात्यायनी।

जय जग माता जग की महारानी॥

बैजनाथ स्थान तुम्हारा।

वहावर दाती नाम पुकारा॥

कई नाम है कई धाम है।

यह स्थान भी तो सुखधाम है॥

हर मन्दिर में ज्योत तुम्हारी।

कही योगेश्वरी महिमा न्यारी॥

हर जगह उत्सव होते रहते।

हर मन्दिर में भगत है कहते॥

कत्यानी रक्षक काया की।

ग्रंथि काटे मोह माया की॥

झूठे मोह से छुडाने वाली।

अपना नाम जपाने वाली॥

बृहस्पतिवार को पूजा करिए।

ध्यान कात्यानी का धरिये॥

हर संकट को दूर करेगी।

भंडारे भरपूर करेगी॥

जो भी माँ को भक्त पुकारे।

कात्यायनी सब कष्ट निवारे॥

प्रार्थना Prarthana

चन्द्रहासोज्ज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना।

कात्यायनी शुभं दद्याद् देवी दानवघातिनी॥

[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service, Senior Economic Adviser (Retired), Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts on his website (, LinkedIn ( YouTube channel (, twitter (, Facebook (, been writing/sharing varied topics and can be reached at [2] There is use of the word form or avataar, which all depict the same Goddess, could be in the subsequent birth or a regional adaptation. [3] [4] Brijbhoomi, a region on both sides of the Yamuna river with its centre at Mathura-Vrindavan, encompassing the area including Agra, Aligarh, Etah, Farrukhabad, Hathras and Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh; Palwal and Ballabhgarh in Haryana; Bharatpur in Rajasthan; and Morena in Madhya Pradesh, is associated with Radha and Krishna who were born in Barsana and Mathura respectively.


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