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Increase in Municipal Corporation of Delhi Property tax 2023-24Rohit Kumar Parmar


Increase in Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Property tax 2023-24

Rohit Kumar Parmar [1]

MCD property tax collections increased by 19.60 percent from ` 2014.68 cr in 2021-22 to ` 2409.51 cr in 2022-23.

By means of an un-democratic decision by a Special Officer announced on 15.02.2023, there was an increase in rates and reduction in rebate for 2023-24.

The Party which now has a Majority/Mayor in MCD, has been protesting against several undemocratic actions of LG and Central Government and also challenging them in Courts.

The same party, however, chose to implement the undemocratic decisions of the Special Officer, because it meant an increase in property tax revenues by nearly 20 percent.

Selective acceptance of undemocratic decisions, as a gift from the previous ruling party.

More spending is more power.

There are several changes in the software making it difficult to file the tax, both online and offline, which have been tweeted also [2], but no reply has been received.

[1] Author, Freelance, Indian Economic Service (Retired), former Senior Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and former Adviser (P 4) UNDP, Yemen has in posts on his website (, LinkedIn ( YouTube channel (, twitter (, Facebook (, been writing/sharing varied topics and can be reached at [2]

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