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Updated: Aug 21, 2021


This agreement to lease is entered into on the

……. day of …….. (month) 2021

by and between


s/o Shri ………………………………

r/o ……………………………………….

(hereinafter referred to as ‘Lessor’ which expression shall wherever the context permits deemed to include his successors, legal representatives and assigns) of the first part.



s/o Shri ………………………………

r/o ……………………………………….

(hereinafter referred to as ‘Lessee’ which expression shall wherever the context permits deemed to include his successors, legal representatives and assigns) of the second part.

Whereas the Lessor is the owner and in legal possession of

…………………………………………………………. …...………………………………………………….…

(details of the property)

(hereinafter referred to as the `Said Property’)

and is willing to lease out the same.

Whereas the Lessor and the Lessee have agreed to give and take on lease, respectively, the said

…………………………………………………………. …...………………………………………………….…

(details of the property)

consisting of one drawing cum dining room, three bedrooms/ rooms, one kitchen, one storeroom, two bathrooms, three balconies and an earmarked open/covered parking with all fixtures, fittings etc., (please give details of the property) on the terms and conditions detailed in this agreement. The plan of the apartment is as per the original allotment by the ……..………… (Name of the society). The common facilities of the apartment are administered by the ……………………. Resident’s Welfare Association (RWA).

1. The lease is for a period of 11 months commencing from

…….. day, …………. (month), 2021.

2. The Lessee agrees to pay monthly rent of

Rs. …………… per month

(in figures)

(Rupees …………….. only per month).

(in words)

3. That in addition to the monthly rent, the lessee shall also pay Monthly Maintenance Charges (hereinafter referred to as MMC) to the RWA, which is presently

Rs. …………… per month

(in figures)

(Rupees …………….. only per month).

(in words)

In case the RWA revises the MMC, the lessee shall pay the revised MMC with effect from the date of the revision or date of commencement of the lease as the case may be, relating to his period of lease.

4. The RWA also charges a onetime payment of an amount of

Rs. …………… per month

(in figures)

(Rupees …………….. only per month).

(in words)

in order to accord permission to a new tenant, which shall be paid by the Lessee. In case the RWA decides to increase and/or alter the same, this amount shall also be borne by the Lessee. In case the RWA decides to levy a charge at the time of vacation, this amount shall also be borne by the tenant.

5. An amount of

Rs. …………… per month

(in figures)

(Rupees …………….. only per month).

(in words)

(Normally two/three months rent)

is to be paid towards interest free security deposit by the Lessee to the Lessor and the same shall be refunded at the time of expiry/ termination of the lease period and on handing over of the vacant possession of the leased premises and settling rent, bills, society and other dues. The same shall not be adjusted against any dues of monthly rent.

6. The monthly rent is payable in advance in respect of each month latest by 5th day of the same month by cheque/ demand draft/ electronic transfer/ mutually agreed mode.

7. The Lessee shall not make any additions/alterations to the structure of the leased premises without the prior written consent of the Lessor.

8. That the lessee shall not sublet, assign or otherwise part with the possession in part or whole or in any form the said property in favour of any other person/ Legal entity.

9. That the Lessee shall adhere/ follow laws (State/ Municipal/ Authority/ Other Applicable Body/ Residents Welfare Association) for utilizing the said property. Any violation of the same shall amount to violation of the Lease and shall be a ground to the Lessor for vacation of the said property.

10. The Lessor shall pay all ground rent, taxes, levies, etc. existing / future relating to the said premises to Municipality or any other local authority. However, society maintenance, water, electricity charges, gas charges, other maintenance or use charges, will be borne by the Lessee. The Lessee shall hand over these receipts periodically/ at the end of the lease period to the Lessor.

11. All day-to-day/routine minor repairs like miscellaneous plumbing jobs/ electrical consumables etc. in the leased premises will be borne by the Lessor. However, all major repairs including structural repairs, etc., shall be carried out by the Lessor at his cost.

12. The Lessor has carried out distempering/ painting/ polishing works/ repair of wardrobes, other wood work, electric and plumbing points in the leased premises, before commencement of lease and shall do so not before four years, provided the lease is renewed.

13. The Lessee shall permit the Lessor and their agents to enter the leased premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection/ repair of the leased premises.

14. At the end of lease period, the Lessee shall handover peaceful vacant possession of the leased premises to the Lessor, along with the fixtures and fittings as per Schedule `A’, subject to normal wear and tear.

15. At the time of handing over the vacant possession of the above premises, the Lessor will furnish a list of inventories, which would include all electric fittings, fans, etc., which would be signed by both the parties. (List attached as Schedule ‘A’).

16. That the Lessor/ Lessee can terminate the lease at any time upon serving a notice in writing of one month/ rent in lieu thereof.

17. That the Lessee shall use the said property for residential purposes only.

18. That after the expiry of the period of 11 months, the lease shall automatically expire, unless extended by explicit mutual consent of both parties.

19. When the lease terminates including period of extended lease, it is an assured undertaking that the Lessee will deliver peaceful and vacant possession of the premises to the Lessor with such fittings and fixtures as the Lessor may have handed over to the Lessee intact and in proper working condition as per the list of inventories furnished by the Lessor in Schedule `A’, except for the normal wear and tear during the course of this tenancy.

20. In witness thereof, the parties have put in their signatures hereunder executing these presents on the day, month and year first above written.

Lessee Lessor

In the presence of:


1. _____________________ 1. _____________________

(Name _____________________) (Name ____________________)

2. _____________________ 2. _____________________

(Name _____________________) (Name ____________________)

Schedule A to lease agreement consisting of List of fittings and fixtures in premises,

leased out by


(Name of the lessor)



(Name of the lessee)

Sl No



I. Locks and Keys

Main door keys

Almirah Keys

Lock and Keys for electricity boxes

II. Electrical

Ceiling Fans

Exhaust Fans

Tube light fittings with tubes

Small Tube light fittings with tube

Geysers 25 litres connected with angle valves


Wall Shades

Roof Hanging Shade

Round Roof fittings

Call Bell

Electricity Meter

Electricity Main Switch

Electricity Automatic Changeover

III. Hardware

As per edited AFNHB list

Modular Kitchen comprising of shelves, drawers, cabinets, covered areas, etc

IV. Sanitary

Washbasins with taps, waste, angle valves

Kitchen Sink with taps, waste, angle valves

English WC with cisterns, taps, angle valves

V. Telecommunication

Push Button Telephone Instrument

VI. Furniture

Almirah Wardrobes


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